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Endowment & Planned Giving

Did you know that Charlotte Christian School has an endowment? The Charlotte Christian Endowment exists to help sustain the financial health of our school, assisting with areas such as tuition assistance and faculty development. Gifts to the Charlotte Christian Endowment are invested so that the earnings are utilized. Therefore, the gifts exist in perpetuity and have a lasting impact.

Endowment options

How do donors support an endowment? Donors typically give to endowments through a variety of ways, which include outright donations, stock or securities transfers, or through planned giving. Gifts of $100,000+ will have the opportunity to be named. If you are interested in providing permanent support to Charlotte Christian School by giving to our endowment or establishing a named endowment, please contact Director of Advancement Sara Reid.

Planned Giving

Please contact Director of Advancement Sara Reid if you are interested in discussing planned gift options, such as estate planning, bequests, charitable remainder trusts, annuities, insurance, or other forms of planned giving.

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