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Visual Arts

The award-winning visual arts program at Charlotte Christian allows students at the earliest stages to delve into the world of art to where they begin to express the beauty of God’s creation and establish confidence in their own voice as an artist. The curriculum focuses on developing creativity, technical proficiency, literacy in a variety of media and expressions, and multiple opportunities to develop a lifelong relationship with the arts. Student artwork is showcased in numerous art shows and competitions throughout the region each year including our own KnightVision all school art show each spring.

Elective Offerings

  • 2-D, Drawing & Painting (beginner, intermediate, honors, AP)
  • 3-D Art & Design (beginner, AP)
  • AP Art History
  • Exploratory Art

Annual Art Shows and Competitions

  • Festival in the Park
  • Scholastic Art & Writing Competition
  • Patriotic Art Competition
  • KnightVision All School Art Show

Honors Opportunities

  • National Art Honor Society
  • Fine Arts Conservatory


Blue Ribbon Collection


The Blue Ribbon Collection is an intentionally chosen collection of artwork from students across all three divisions. As we seek to raise up Christ-centered students with a joyful awareness of their God-given artistic talents, the artwork in this collection especially highlights the growth, skill, creativity and mission statement of our school to integrate biblical truth and learning into our daily lives and to impact the culture for Christ. The artwork in this collection was chosen with great intention and, while it may not be overtly religious in content, the echoes of truth, beauty and creativity that radiate from our ultimate Creator shine through each piece. This collection will be on display in the Huge Gallery for the duration of the school year. It is our sincere prayer that the Lord will use the artwork in this collection to speak into the hearts of those who interact with it.