Thank you for your interest in Charlotte Christian School. The priority application due date has passed. We have limited openings in select grade levels for the 2025-26 school year. Please complete this inquiry form and an admissions team member will contact you.
Application Process
Priority applications for JK/K are due by December 31, 2024. For grades 1-12, priority applications are due by January 15, 2025. Applications received after this date will be considered on a rolling admission basis. Please select the appropriate grade level tab to review the specific process. If you forget your myCCS login information, select "Forgot Login" to reset your password via email or email to request your myCCS login information.
The grade-specific tabs provide details about the application process and requirements by grade. If you need help logging into myCCS, please enter your email address in the box and click "Next" and then "Forgot Password" or email to request assistance.
How to contact us
(704) 366-5657
Charlotte Christian School
Admissions Department
7301 Sardis Road
Charlotte, NC 28270
Admissions dates
Grades JK-1
Grades JK-1
Priority applications for JK/K are due by December 31, 2024. For grades 1-12, priority applications are due by January 15, 2025. Applications submitted after this date will be considered on a rolling admissions basis. Please see the application process steps below. Click to download the JK-Grade 1 Application Checklist and our Admissions Calendar.
JK and K Placement Guidelines
A child should be 4 years old by Feb. 1 of the year he is applying for Junior Kindergarten. A child should be 5 years old by June 1 of the year he is applying for Kindergarten. A child’s birthday is always viewed in the full context of developmental maturity and will include physical, emotional and social development as well as academic readiness.
- online application in myCCS
- birth certificate
- CAIS Testing
- teacher recommendation
- On-Campus Play Date (developmental screening) and family interview
- Admissions Decisions
online application in myCCS
Submit application for each child with a $100 non-refundable fee on or before December 31, 2024 for JK/K or on or before January 15, 2025 for grade 1. Once the application is processed, parents can view the admissions checklist in myCCS.
- Click the "Apply Now" button.
- Select the blue "Create Account" link to create a username and password.
- After entering your basic information, select the "Create Account" button.
Please note, myCCS may recognize you by your email address. If the system recognizes your email address, it will be highlighted in red after you click "Submit." If you need help logging into myCCS, please enter your email address in the box and click "Next" and then enter your password or click "Forgot Password." Please email if you need assistance.
When logged into myCCS, you will have access to complete the online application, monitor your student's progress through the admissions process, and learn more about Charlotte Christian School.
birth certificate
Upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate to myCCS.
CAIS Testing
Contact a CAIS psychologist to schedule WPPSI-IV Test (Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence - Fourth Edition). Request that scores be mailed to Charlotte Christian School. Please download the CAIS (Charlotte Area Independent Schools) booklet for a list of area psychologists who can administer this test. On the day of testing the psychologist will ask the parent(s) to sign a validity form indicating the applicant has not been tested (or coached) within the calendar year.
teacher recommendation
After November 1, please request the teacher recommendation from your child’s current teacher through the checklist in myCCS.
On-Campus Play Date (developmental screening) and family interview
On-Campus Play Date (developmental screening).
After an application has been received the admissions office will schedule a 45-minute on-campus playdate. Visits occur from November through February.
Family Interview
Families will meet with the admissions director and/or lower school administration. This conversation is an opportunity to learn more about Charlotte Christian School and share your goals for the next step in your student’s educational journey.
Admissions Decisions
The progress of your student’s application can be viewed through myCCS. Timely receipt of these materials supports an efficient process for both the student and Charlotte Christian School.
Admissions decisions for JK-K and siblings of JK-K applicants will be posted on the decision tab in myCCS on February 28, 2025*. Admissions decisions for grades 1-12 will be posted on the decisions tab in myCCS on March 28, 2025*.
*These dates represent those observed by Charlotte Area Independent Schools (CAIS) for priority consideration. After these dates, Charlotte Christian School maintains rolling admissions where grade level space permits.
Grades 2-4
Grades 2-4
Priority applications for grades 1-12 are due January 15, 2025. Applications submitted after this date will be considered on a rolling admissions basis. Please see the application process steps below. Click to download the Grades 2-5 Application Checklist and our Admissions Calendar.
- online application in myCCS
- birth certificate
- teacher recommendation and transcript
- CAIS Testing
- Student Visit and Family Interview
- Admissions Decisions
online application in myCCS
Submit an application for each child with a $100 non-refundable fee on or before January 15, 2025. Once the application is processed, parents can view the admissions checklist in myCCS.
- Click the "Apply Now" button.
- Select the blue "Create Account" link to create a username and password.
- After entering your basic information, select the "Create Account" button.
Please note, myCCS may recognize you by your email address. If the system recognizes your email address, it will be highlighted in red after you click "Submit." If you need help logging into myCCS, please enter your email address in the box and click "Next" and then enter your password or click "Forgot Password." Please email if you need assistance.
When logged into myCCS, you will have access to complete the online application, monitor your student's progress through the admissions process, and learn more about Charlotte Christian School.
birth certificate
Upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate to myCCS.
teacher recommendation and transcript
From the checklist on myCCS, request the teacher recommendation and transcript from your student’s current school. A transcript should include report cards, standardized tests, and other educational assessments important to the application process. All materials are due by February 28, 2025.
CAIS Testing
Schedule WISC-V (Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Fifth Edition) with a Charlotte Area Independent Schools (CAIS) psychologist. Request that scores be sent to Charlotte Christian School. On the day of testing the psychologist will ask the parent(s) to sign a validity form indicating the applicant has not been tested (or coached) within the calendar year.
Student Visit and Family Interview
Once an applicant’s file materials (teacher recommendation, transcripts, testing) are complete, a student visit and family interview will be scheduled. Visit days/assessment meetings will be offered according to grade level. Timely receipt of these materials supports an efficient process for both the student and Charlotte Christian School. The admissions interview is an opportunity for each family to meet with a member of our leadership team, learn more about Charlotte Christian School and share goals for the next step in your student’s educational journey.
Admissions Decisions
All materials are due by February 23, 2025. The progress of your student’s application can be viewed through myCCS. Timely receipt of these materials supports an efficient process for both the student and Charlotte Christian School.
Admissions decisions will be posted on the decision tab in myCCS on March 28, 2025*. Admissions decisions for siblings of JK-K applicants will be posted on the decision tab in myCCS on February 28, 2025*.
*These dates represent those observed by Charlotte Area Independent Schools (CAIS) for priority consideration. After these dates, Charlotte Christian School maintains rolling admissions where grade level space permits.
Grades 5-6
Grades 5-6
Priority applications for grades 1-12 are due January 15, 2025. Applications submitted after this date will be considered on a rolling admissions basis. Please see the application process steps below. Click to download the Grades 5-12 Application Checklist and our Admissions Calendar.
- online application in myCCS
- birth certificate
- applicant questionnaire
- teacher recommendation and transcript
- ISEE Testing
- Student Visit and Family Interview
- Admissions Decisions
online application in myCCS
Submit an application for each child with a $100 non-refundable fee on or before January 15, 2025.* Once the application is processed, parents can view the admissions checklist in myCCS.
- Click the "Apply Now" button.
- Select the blue "Create Account" link to create a username and password.
- After entering your basic information, select the "Create Account" button.
Please note, myCCS may recognize you by your email address. If the system recognizes your email address, it will be highlighted in red after you click "Submit." If you need help logging into myCCS, please enter your email address in the box and click "Next" and then enter your password or click "Forgot Password." Please email if you need assistance.
When logged into myCCS, you will have access to complete the online application, monitor your student's progress through the admissions process, and learn more about Charlotte Christian School.
birth certificate
Upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate to myCCS.
applicant questionnaire
Complete the applicant questionnaire. This form should be printed and completed in the student’s handwriting. The completed form may be uploaded in myCCS on the checklist.
teacher recommendation and transcript
From the checklist on myCCS, request the English and Math teacher recommendations and transcripts from your student’s current school. A transcript should include report cards, standardized tests, and other educational assessments important to the application process. All materials are due by February 28, 2025.
ISEE Testing
Register for the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) at or with ISEE (1-800-989-3721). Please request that scores be sent to Charlotte Christian School.
Student Visit and Family Interview
Once an applicant’s file materials (teacher recommendation, transcripts, testing) are complete, a student visit and family interview will be scheduled. Visit days/assessment meetings will be offered according to grade level. Timely receipt of these materials supports an efficient process for both the student and Charlotte Christian School. The admissions interview is an opportunity for each family to meet with a member of our leadership team, learn more about Charlotte Christian School and share goals for the next step in your student’s educational journey. Candidates applying for grades 5-12 are included in the family interview.
Admissions Decisions
All materials are due by February 23, 2025. The progress of your student’s application can be viewed through myCCS. Timely receipt of these materials supports an efficient process for both the student and Charlotte Christian School.
Admissions decisions will be posted on the decision tab in myCCS on March 28, 2025*. Admissions decisions for siblings of JK-K applicants will be posted on the decision tab in myCCS on February 28, 2025*.
*These dates represent those observed by Charlotte Area Independent Schools (CAIS) for priority consideration. After these dates, Charlotte Christian School maintains rolling admissions where grade level space permits.
Grades 7-12
Grades 7-12
Priority applications for grades 1-12 are due January 15, 2025. Applications submitted after this date will be considered on a rolling admissions basis. Please see the application process steps below. Click to download the Grades 5-12 Application Checklist and our Admissions Calendar.
- online application in myCCS
- birth certificate
- applicant questionnaire
- teacher recommendation and transcript
- ISEE Testing
- Student Visit and Family Interview
- Admissions Decisions
online application in myCCS
Submit an application for each child with a $100 non-refundable fee on or before January 15, 2025.* Once the application is processed, parents can view the admissions checklist in myCCS.
- Click the "Apply Now" button.
- Select the blue "Create Account" link to create a username and password.
- After entering your basic information, select the "Create Account" button.
Please note, myCCS may recognize you by your email address. If the system recognizes your email address, it will be highlighted in red after you click "Submit." If you need help logging into myCCS, please enter your email address in the box and click "Next" and then enter your password or click "Forgot Password." Please email if you need assistance.
When logged into myCCS, you will have access to complete the online application, monitor your student's progress through the admissions process, and learn more about Charlotte Christian School.
birth certificate
Upload a copy of your child’s birth certificate to myCCS.
applicant questionnaire
Complete the applicant questionnaire. This form should be printed and completed in the student’s handwriting. The completed form may be uploaded in myCCS on the checklist.
teacher recommendation and transcript
From the checklist on myCCS, request the English, Math, Principal/School Counselor recommendations and transcripts from your student’s current school. A transcript should include report cards, standardized tests, and other educational assessments important to the application process. All materials are due by February 28, 2025.
ISEE Testing
Register for the Independent School Entrance Exam (ISEE) at or with ISEE (1-800-989-3721). Please request that scores be sent to Charlotte Christian School.
Student Visit and Family Interview
Once an applicant’s file materials (teacher recommendation, transcripts, testing) are complete, a student visit and family interview will be scheduled. Visit days/assessment meetings will be offered according to grade level. Timely receipt of these materials supports an efficient process for both the student and Charlotte Christian School. The admissions interview is an opportunity for each family to meet with a member of our leadership team, learn more about Charlotte Christian School and share goals for the next step in your student’s educational journey. Candidates applying for grades 5-12 are included in the family interview.
Admissions Decisions
All materials are due by February 23, 2025. The progress of your student’s application can be viewed through myCCS. Timely receipt of these materials supports an efficient process for both the student and Charlotte Christian School.
Admissions decisions will be posted on the decision tab in myCCS on March 28, 2025*. Admissions decisions for siblings of JK-K applicants will be posted on the decision tab in myCCS on February 28, 2025*.
*These dates represent those observed by Charlotte Area Independent Schools (CAIS) for priority consideration. After these dates, Charlotte Christian School maintains rolling admissions where grade level space permits.
International Students
International Application Process
Charlotte Christian seeks to diversify its student body by enrolling international students from all over the world. Not only does this enhance the global perspective that is becoming increasingly important in our society, but it also directly mirrors the ethnically and culturally diverse world that our Heavenly Father has created.
We are pleased to accept qualified international students who desire a Christ-centered education in the United States.
Program Specifics
International students are defined as students who do not have permanent residence in the United States and will require an I-20. The international application process includes:
Email to request an international application
- Complete all components of the admissions process listed under the grade level checklist tab
- Demonstrate English proficiency (TOEFL testing)
- Complete a student and/or family interview (video conference, in person, or via telephone)
- Submit a copy of the applicant's birth certificate
- Submit a copy of the applicant's passport
In addition to tuition costs, there is a $2,000 per year fee for all international students. I-20s are issued after the student is enrolled and full tuition payment is received. At this time, financial assistance is not available for students with an I-20. Charlotte Christian School does not provide host families.