College Counseling
"You will keep in perfect peace
those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you." Isaiah 26:3
Charlotte Christian School provides a comprehensive counseling program for upper school students. The counselors seek to both challenge and encourage students to grow into young men and women of strong Christian faith, high academic achievement, and moral responsibility.
College and Career Planning
The college counseling program at Charlotte Christian School is an important and individualized process that begins in ninth grade and continues through the end of the senior year. Both students and parents are provided with the tools to navigate the increasingly competitive and complicated college search process. Click here to read more.
Records/Transcript Release
Former CCS students may Click here to request a transcript or records release.. Current seniors should use Scoir to request that transcripts be sent in support of college admission applications.
College coaches seeking records to support athletic recruiting should email our registrar, Kirsten Mayers, for assistance.
Information for College Representatives
Countdown to College blog
The Countdown to College Blog is designed to help upper school families stay focused on approaching each step of the college selection process with a God-centered perspective and is written by Jodi Foxx, the Director of College Counseling at Charlotte Christian School.